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Inner Earth.jpg
Oil on Canvas
60 X 45 cm
Date: 2018
Framed Original Painting:
Double mounted Limited edition prints:
24X18 cm - €75 
Framed Limited edition prints:
Frame size: 38X32 cm
Image size: 24X18 cm - €125 
Click here to order

Today is the first day in the year when night and day are in perfect balance, and of equal length. The Spring Equinox has arrived to Northern Hemisphere.
I’ve so missed the sun and its warmth, but finally, winter in all its austere refinement has shattered into a million sharp glittering bits, to be liquidated by the rising warmth of the earth. It feels so good to shake off the shell of winter, and to emerge and stretch into the light of the spring.
All around us tender sprouts and buds are bursting and glittering in the light of the sun.From the rain soaked earth and riotous spring winds, to the rainbow of colour refraction's cast across the sky, the land seems entranced in a kind of verdant hallucination. What crystallizes for me as an idea is that the renewal taking place on the surface of the land is inextricably bound with the deeper stirring of our own inner psychic Landscape.
With the arrival of the Spring there comes an innate sense of the invisible unfolding of forgotten instincts and realization. My body, your body and the body of the earth are one.

This painting titled Inner Earth expresses this continuity of relationship between inner and outer landscapes. The painting Inner Earth is work of pure imagination, there were no co-ordinates, I didn’t have any idea as to what the painting would become. Rather I wanted to partake in and also witness a manifestation of inner listening. Oil Paint was poured and dripped over the surface of canvas and allowed to run free, to create its own natural formation. With my brush, I followed the movement of the paint attentively, responding to its liquid and indistinct suggestion’s, and in this way I found the natural inner terrain of the work - a landscape image of an Inner Earth , A wild frontier with no country.

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